I have fallen for Vintage photos and history in a big way! I've been researching my family tree and have been able to record 170 relatives for my children within 1 month, it's so interesting! I've been able to locate war documents and graves and census and wedding locations from my family's history, but most of all I've loved looking back at old photos.

Doing the research had me looking at all my Grandparents old photos from 'back in the day' and I just love them! I love the clothes they used to wear and they way they would all just pose for a picture without being bashful, but never really smiling. I love the stories told by these pictures and I feel that in this day of 'right now' media and everyone's 15 minutes of fame, we've lost that story telling in our everyday photos.
I have a collection of vintage luggage, clothing, hats, boxes, tools, teapots and bric a brac that I've been putting together for years without having a purpose other than I love the way they were made and how they look. I finally have a use for them all!

We packed as much of our Vintage Collection in the car this weekend and headed to the Barossa Valley in search of old family graves, my great, great, great Grandfather founded a town near Angaston, and so we headed up there in search of his family and any history we could find. We were able to locate his son's grave in the Historic Angaston Cemetery, however there was only a base of the headstone left.

The cemetery is almost empty but such a beautiful little location we couldn't resist getting out the vintage collection of things and taking a glimpse back in time.
I hope you like my Vintage Collection. Why not add a vintage touch to your next session?!
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