My Angle

I see the world in wideangle, portrait & fish-eye.The click of my shutter is the beat of my heart. And looking through the lens shows the depth of my soul. I ♥ capturing the ART in your moments!
Specialising in Wedding, Family & Commercial photography with a difference.
I love to capture those stolen moments - from behind a curtain, the big moments - from a different angle & the tears rolling down your cheeks - from across the room. A great photo is not only a picture, its a memory, often a magical moment that's captured, frozen time and available for you to look back on. You can pass them down through the generations of your family so they can see you for who you are at that chosen time in your life. The great ones let you remember everything about the time it was taken, the mood, the smell, the weather, the friends, the laughter & tears. Capturing moments that are so easily forgotten, so you can hold onto them forever. Let me in to a moment in your life & I will give you images to cherish forever. Maternity, Babies & Toddlers, Kids & Teens Couples, Family & Generation Shoots Engagement & Weddings Commercial For a preview of more maternity work and a much larger portfolio, please email for an appointment:


Barossa Valley | Adelaide Children's Photographer - Corrynn Jones Photography - Vintage Collection

Monday, May 24, 2010 0 comments

I have fallen for Vintage photos and history in a big way!  I've been researching my family tree and have been able to record 170 relatives for my children within 1 month, it's so interesting!  I've been able to locate war documents and graves and census and wedding locations from my family's history, but most of all I've loved looking back at old photos.

Doing the research had me looking at all my Grandparents old photos from 'back in the day' and I just love them!  I love the clothes they used to wear and they way they would all just pose for a picture without being bashful, but never really smiling.  I love the stories told by these pictures and I feel that in this day of 'right now' media and everyone's 15 minutes of fame, we've lost that story telling in our everyday photos. 

I have a collection of vintage luggage, clothing, hats, boxes, tools, teapots and bric a brac that I've been putting together for years without having a purpose other than I love the way they were made and how they look.  I finally have a use for them all!

 We packed as much of our Vintage Collection in the car this weekend and headed to the Barossa Valley in search of old family graves, my great, great, great Grandfather founded a town near Angaston, and so we headed up there in search of his family and any history we could find.  We were able to locate his son's grave in the Historic Angaston Cemetery, however there was only a base of the headstone left.

The cemetery is almost empty but such a beautiful little location we couldn't resist getting out the vintage collection of things and taking a glimpse back in time.

I hope you like my Vintage Collection.  Why not add a vintage touch to your next session?!

Port Willunga | Corrynn Jones Photography - Adelaide Wedding & Portrait Photorapher - Your photographer - All about ME!

Me at the beautiful Whitehaven Beach

I have been described as a vibrant, bubbly ray of sunshine, easy to get along with, contagious giggler and pocket rocket.  But that's what others say, here's some things you don't know....

I have been married for 10years to my high school sweetheart.  I'm mum of 3 of the most gorgeous little monkeys with the biggest hearts and characters of anyone I've ever met.  These two biggest events in my life - getting married and having my babies - have given me personal and growing experience in Wedding Photography and planning, Maternity Sessions, Baby and Children's photography. I love the emotions and expressions you find at weddings, the love unfolding in a beautiful round baby belly and the fun, character and laughter you find see in photographing children.  I've spent many a children's session playing 'Billy Goats Gruff" under bridges, having tea parties, climbing haystacks, splashing in puddles and the ocean, running madly along the beach and jumping off sand dunes into the sand below.  I have to interact with my clients, I love it!

Photography has been a passion of mine since I can remember.  I got my first PINK Barbie camera when I was around 4yrs old and graduated to my very own SLR at the age of 18yrs old - I've never looked back!
 Me and my family with my Barbie camera hanging off my arm

This is the 1st photo I ever took. Yep! That's my little 4yr old finger! I still remember having to twist their arm to let me use the camera :)

I believe that it's my job to capture you as you are, as you see your self and as loved ones know you.  If I tell you where to stand and when to smile or kiss, that's all me...I want to see YOU.

The day I got my first SLR camera

I believe that photos are priceless time capsules that tell you everything about the subject in the photo.  The person, the time, the mood, the emotions, the weather, the fun, the laughter, the tears, the love....EVERYthing!

 My favourite photo of my Nana and her Mum

I believe in letting you choose how you take your final product and how to spend your money on your images.

I believe there is beauty in everything, from the gorgeous curves of a pregnant belly bump to the tiny toes and soft skin of a newborn, the grumpy tantrums of child who knows what they want (and eventually how to get it!),  even in the worn down feet of a path well travelled through life.
Yep! They're my little feet!
I consider it a privilege to be allowed in to a moment of someone's life to capture this beauty for them, so they can share it with generations to come.

Port Willunga Beach | Adelaide Wedding Photographer | Corrynn Jones Photography - Timing and the elements

Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1 comments
So, you've planned the perfect day, you know when everything's arriving and taking place right down to the last minute.  But have you though about your timing and the elements?

The weather can have a big impact on your day, especially your photos.  If it's sunny and bright you can have beautiful clear blue skies and gorgeous bright colours. Clouds on the other hand give you moody, intense and stormy shots. Add a little (or a lot) of wind in your hair or veil for a touch of flair and unpredictability.  Rain brings out the cuddles under umbrellas, running for cover, splashing in puddles and dancing in the rain.  Yes, the weather is unpredictable but a good photographer can make the best planned day hit by rain and clouds into spectacular photographic art for you to remember forever.

You can't plan the weather especially a year in advance!  But you can plan the TIME of your wedding.  Timing is everything!  In Adelaide we experience daylight savings times so we get to experience a vast range of lighting in the dame time slot at different times of the year.  So that's when you need to think about the kind of photographs you like.  Do you want to have a brightly lit sky for a morning/midday wedding (or afternoon daylight savings) or do you want the colours and magesty of a sunrise or sunset?  Do you want both?  Are you a fan of silhouette photos, high key images or do you like a bit of lens flare?    One thing for certain is that you don't want to be standing around in the dark because the sunset earlier than you thought or getting married in the carpark next to the beach because the tide is high.

Planning your wedding is planning the biggest party of your life, and your party is going to be great no matter what time you have it.  But your photos are the memories you will have of your day to keep for the rest of your life, so think about the elements, the lighting, the colours and plan your day around the images you want to capture and the mood and memories you want to create on that day.  You'll still enjoy the biggest party of your life, but the setting, memories and images will be forever breathtaking.